Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Life in China continues to be a blast!

Life in China continues to be a blast! My only frustration is the technology part of this experience.  My lecture powerpoint was put on my Apple computer and they only have PC's at the school.  I was told that they did have Mac's but they don't.  Interesting the reason is because they are too expensive to purchase so I feel as though I brought a Mercedes to a place that only has Ford's.  Lessons, lessons........I am dancing around the techno part!

I have started my lectures on Female Health and they are being well received.  The girls have an incredible sweetness, innocence and curiosity about them that is so refreshing.  I want to take them all home with me.
The program is so exceptional for the girls have a whole schedule of classes along with the Academy work and are still actively involved in being present for our lectures and creative labs.  Interesting, we start each session with a meditation and centering, and they love participating in the experience.  They do something really good here in encouraging the students to become entrepreneurs. There are several shops on campus that are called Box Stores.

Students can rent a small space like cubby-size to set up their merchandise in.  One of the senior students in the program wants to be a business woman and has a set up of jewelry and perfume.  She pays to rent the space and says she is making a small profit and covering her rental expenses.  There must be atleast 20-30 boxes at the store all holding merchandise from jewelry to cosmetics to stuffed animals.  There is alot to be said for the way the Chinese culture handles the respect for education.

On a personal note, the weather is staying really cold and damp so that layering is a must!  I am enjoying the food, trying to get some exercise and taking my vitamins that are life-savers!  Wish you all were here with me!

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